Dear Kazem:
[I] On the latest meeting, I was going to write a summary of my flight and airport with my sportive single-engines aircraft . In this moment, sometimes I think of my sweet memories of the flight !
[O] Approximately, ten years ago,I succeeded in taking flight theory and practical crosses in Azadi air-drum. There-after, I decided to import private airplanes and have a fun flight around Tehran, other cities and north of Iran.
For me,these flights were very exciting and indubitably risky . During those years, I had to lose and miss three things: " a lot of time", "a lot of money" & "crossing over the life" !!!
Regardless of all its pleasures, I sorely witnessed and was a testifier to losing a number of friends because of the dangers that exist .
Eventually ,I was highly suggested and warned by my wife that I come down my hobby horse, kiss it goodbye , and put flying aside for ever.( Rule of III)
[U] Certainly, if you have no fear of heights, flying will likely be interesting , enjoyable and surly, it WILL surly fulfill your desire to fly like birds.

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